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About us

Founded for the future of working mums across Australia.

MumbleMe was founded by two women who wanted to affect real change when it came to working mothers’ experience and progression in their careers. In Australia, women in their 30s are three times more likely to be out of the workforce than men. This break from paid work contributes negatively to the gender pay gap, low superannuation balances in retirement, a lack of female leadership and input into improving women’s position across industries. Now is the time for working mothers to take back control of their careers and be bold about what flexibility and success in the workplace means to them.

Anita Noller

Having lived abroad, I went through a period of building my career in a new market and had children during that building phase of my life. Maternity leave was non-existent and the challenges in finding and securing meaningful roles that complimented my life choices were stacked against me. Many of the fears and apprehensions in having children and what that would do to my earning capacity and career progression were finally materialising.

My story, while unique to me, resembled many other working mums who shared their stories of giving away their professional careers, having to find alternative places to work because of the inflexibility of manager and workplace policies or having to give in to the pressure of returning to work on their workplace’s terms at the expense of their family commitments.

MumbleMe was born out of an experience shared by many mothers and exists to be an integral solution to mothers having a variety of options to continue to build and progress their careers.

Jessica Wong-Saunderson

Working hard to achieve my career goals has always been a large part of my life. When I became a new mum 14 years into my professional career, I was faced with the reality and tension (+ guilt) between my caring responsibilities and career ambitions. I LOVE being a mum to my son, and I LOVE the intellectual challenges of my job. I feel a deep sense of frustration and inward rebellion against the notion that women “can’t have both”, or that oftentimes the mum is the one that takes a step back in her career after having children. Yes, it’s hard, but WHY can’t a mum choose to both have a great career AND be a great mum to her children (if that is what she wants)? WHAT IF we broke down the barriers and structural challenges in our society and businesses to support her to do both?

In 2022, whilst we were both on parental leave, Anita’s and my worlds serendipitously collided, and we decided to combine our superpowers to create meaningful change for working mums. We’ve listened to hundreds of mums about their respective journeys and the invisible barriers / challenges they’ve faced in continuing their careers after becoming a parent. Fast forward some months later, we’ve built MumbleMe so that working mums like us (and like you) can access the career options that you want, when you want it.

Experience who we are and what we’re about on our social media pages, news site.